Ahead by a Decade: Employment in 2030
Completion requirements
How can we prepare Canadians for the future of work? Brookfield Institute's new occupations and skills forecast Ahead by a Decade: Employment in 2030 explores how Canada’s labour market may evolve in the next decade.
- Explore the occupations projected to grow or decline in employment share in Canada in the next 10 years.
- Explore the skills, abilities, and knowledge traits driving these results.
- Understand what experts think about the future of employment in Canada.
- Consider how the future of employment could be impacted by disruption, potentially diverging from the projections of the Canadian Occupational Projection System (COPS).
Also, forecast results are available through an interactive web application; which enables users to filter forecast results by occupations, skills, geography, and demographic characteristics.
Check out Brookfield Institute's publication Yesterday's Gone to dive into 8 megatrends.
Click on Ahead by a Decade: Employment in 2030 to open the resource.