Section outline

    • Welcome to Career Education Resources for 10-12. This site contains School District Documents and Educational Resources.

      School District Documents include curriculum, learning maps and guiding documents - stay tuned for the revised CLE-CLC Guidebook.

      Educational Resources are organized into three themes and a Capstone section:

      Career Development - Self Awareness
      Resources support self-awareness, competencies and the educated citizen, employability and essential skills, strategies for maintaining well being, self-marketing, workplace behaviour and safety

      Community Connections - Positive Engagement
      Resources support inclusive practice, world views and diverse perspectives, networking, career-life factors, exploring career-life roles in our communities

      Career and Life Planning - Exploring Possibilities
      Resources support career-life planning for possible preferred next steps, financial planning, and local and global labour market trends

      Capstone - Ministry of Education Guide, reflection resource and samples
  • A collection of resources to support Career Education planning and delivery.

    • This includes a visual, an action plan for youth, an action plan for post-secondary, and evidence-based research to support the guiding principles. 

      The Career Work in Action is an excellent starting place for new career educators.

    • Career Development - Self Awareness

      Resources support self-awareness, competencies and the educated citizen, employability and essential skills, strategies for maintaining well being, self-marketing, workplace behaviour and safety

    • 101 Career Paths for Every Personality explores is a guide that connects personality types with career paths.

    • A series of Ted Talks by Wendy De La Rosa on decision-making and factors affecting our financial decisions.

    • 9 free practice aptitude tests, each test has 10 timed questions with feedback provided after the test.

    • Backpack to Briefcase has a series of activities to help support students to build their self-awareness and to make connections to potential future selves.

    • Breaking down work ethic into specific attributes that students can develop. These are free samples. For access to the full resource contact 'Bring Your A Game to Work'. The 2018 update 'Next Generation Adult Curriculum Guide Sample' is the newest sample.

    • Students will see fifteen sets of four pictures that show specific work activities to explore careers that best fit their personality (based on Personality types and the Holland Codes) 

    • Exploring how the 7 competencies for work can be developed. The 7 competencies are: critical thinking/problem solving, oral/written communications, teamwork/collaboration, information technology application, leadership, professionalism/work ethic, and career management.

      see also

    • This survey (approximately 10 minutes) lets you rate activities you enjoy, your personal qualities, and school subjects to see which career clusters match your interests.

    • Conversation Starters that parents can have with students by Mark Perna and TFS.

    • Explore 3 career-oriented and 3 personality quizzes to find out what occupations may be a good fit

      1. Your abilities                              1. multiple intelligences

      2. Data, people and things             2.learning style

      3. Your work preferences               3. work value

    • The Circle of Courage model provides educators with an evidence-based approach for teaching youth. This site also integrates research on positive youth development with Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs. Explore students' strengths (interests, values, and skills) and ask them to see where these strengths fit in the Circle of Courage. Extend on this by having students identify what strengths they would like to improve.

    • Competencies describe the behaviours and attributes that you demonstrate when doing your job. Find out how they are used in the BC Public Services hiring processes while encouraging students to reflect on their own competencies. Of note, is the "Competencies for Interviews and Hiring".

    • The Core Competencies are sets of intellectual, personal, and social and emotional proficiencies, they are organized into three categories: communication, thinking, and personal and social. See Core Competency Profiles for reflection tools to use in the classroom.

    • This personality test looks to see if you are an artist, thinker, adventurer, maker, producer, dreamer, innovator or visionary. It takes less than ten minutes, with very artistic and entertaining animation that connects to answers, it is free and you do not have to sign up.

    • Digital Citizenship Curriculum is a free on-line American resource that provides classroom tools and helps prepares students to be digital citizens. Image result for common sense educationLessons can be filtered by grade and easily adapted to meet the BC Curriculum.


      Social Media and How You Feel

      Risk Check for New Tech

      Curated Lives

      Rewarding Relationships

    • Looking for self-assessment tools and career quizzes to help identify your strengths, skills, and interests to help find a career that fits you? Take the ‘Find Your Path’ career survey as a first step in identifying some possible careers that suit your interests.  There are 60 ‘YES’ or ‘NO’ questions which should take approximately 15 minutes to complete. There are also biographies on current Métis Role Models and, did you know Terry Fox comes from a Métis fur-trading family?

    • Education, has two free career and skills matching activities: Career Clusters Activity and Which Careers Match Your Skills? Or Careers can be explored in three categories: "I want to be a..." "I'll know it when I see it" or "I'm not really sure" at My Next Move. This is American based but access is free and students do not have to sign up.

    • Employability skills are the skills you need to enter, stay in, and progress in the world of work. This profile can be used as a framework for dialogue and action. Employability Skills (The Conference Board of Canada). See the free downloadable preview of the Employability Skills Toolkit, the Innovation Skills Profile, and the Commercialization Skills Profile.

    • A combination of informative videos and interactive quizzes to help dig deeper into interests, strengths, and values to make career path decisions.

    • There are some skills in life that everyone needs. Managing money, finding housing and work are just a few of these things. Explore this section to learn more about these life skills. Foundry BC also has additional information on mental health, substance abuse, healthy living, and tough topics.

    • Hope-filled Engagement, Guiding Circles part 1 and 2, and Career Pathways Quick Trip, and the Wheel Career Framework  by Gray Poehnell and Norman Amundson 

    • Carol Dweck compares fixed and growth mindsets. This model shows that intelligence can be developed. As a result, higher levels of achievement can be obtained. This is an overarching skill that supports career development. There is a Mindset Assessment (mindsetworks) but names and e-mails are required for results.

      Angela Lee Duckworth Grit: The power of passion and perseverance (6 minute Ted Talk)

    • This quiz asks 26 yes-or-no questions that are primarily geared towards different career focuses. While the questions themselves are limited (as yes-or-no questions typically are) it is interesting to note that the quiz tracks your progress in a graph that you can look at while answering questions.

    • Career Headlines from Career Solutions Publishing has several free sample lessons.

      For example: Becoming a Skilled Collaborator asks students to take a good, strong look at themselves to identify what they do best in a team situation, and what they do less well so they can improve.

    • First Nations Health Authority has created a daily organizer to support the achieving and maintaining a healthy lifestyle.
    • Five principles, developed by Dave E. Redekopp help students build their self-awareness and career skills while realizing that career development is an ongoing process of reflection and action:

      1. Change is Constant
      2. Learning is Ongoing
      3. Focus on the Journey
      4. Follow Your Heart
      5. Access Your Allies and Find Helping Hands

    • This site provides a free basic report and it take around 10 minutes to complete. There is an option to create an account or view results on the spot.

    • There are 17 Indigenous Relations Behavioural Competencies. These were developed from BC Public Service and Indigenous peoples in BC. BC Public Services is recommending employees to add these competencies to their profiles, students can do the same. There are four that are being emphasized: self-discovery and awareness, sustained learning and development, cultural agility and change leadership.

    • In these inspirational moments, Ken Kies takes learnings from over 30 years of leadership training and distills it down to bite-sized tidbits of wisdom to help you live and lead your best. Videos are approximately 3-5 minutes long and cover a wide range of motivational topics such as Characteristics of success, Integrity, The gift of Forgiveness to media addiction.

    • Teacher's Guide for Entrepreneurship. 

    • A blog by Katie Horne that explores tricky job interview questions are asked with sample answers. The STAR method is also used in one of the answers.
    • Everyone's timing is Different" Jay Shetty challenges the set school to career timeline, set in the UK (4 minutes).

      How to Get your First Job" Jay Shetty describes how he reached out to his network to get his first job and gives 6 tips for finding a job, set in the UK (6 minutes).

    • Explore the 6 essential lessons of a satisfying productive career through a graphic novel.  

    • Kelty Mental Health Resource Centre, BC Children's Hospital has numerous resources that can be connected to well-being strategies. The following two examples go really in-depth into mental health, however, the strategies for wellness sections connect to the CE curriculum.

      Two resources that give good wellness strategies are:

      Stop Wondering, Start Knowing: A Mental Health Video Resource - Mental Health 101 and Section Two: Recognizing Mental health and Achieving Mental Wellness

      Mental Health & High School Curriculum Guide - Module 6 looks at strategies for wellness.

    • Students reflect on their self-awareness by writing a letter to their future self.

    • Free Evidence-Based Mental Health strategies.  MindShift CBT uses scientifically proven strategies based on Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT) to help you learn to relax and be mindful, develop more effective ways of thinking, and use active steps to take charge 

    • My Dependable Strengths is an assessment tool that provides a visual of students' strengths. Start by asking students to talk about something they accomplished in their life that they were proud of or enjoyed doing. The listener places interests, strengths and values around the star. Herky Cutler Engaging Client Assessment Tools That Rock (2017)

    • Dr Seuss' masterful story "Oh, The Places You'll Go!" instructs readers to moving forward in life and overcoming challenges. Ideal for any age this book has been a guide to graduates of Kindergarten through college and remains a great advisor to many adults (6 minutes).  

      Suggested activity: Look at the theme.  How does it connect with where you are at right now in your life?

    • A personal development plan workbook by Mind Tools, divided into seven steps and three sections: understanding yourself, defining career objectives, and creating a personal development plan.

    • The Queen’s Skills Cards are a hands-on, fun way to help students name and describe their skills so they can approach the world of work with greater clarity and confidence. They are excellent prompts that are strength-based, student-driven, and past-or Future-Focused.

    • A tool to discover new and unexpected career possibilities based on current skills and on growing job fields.

    • WorkBC explores what a resume and cover letter is, information to include, stylistic choices that match today's needs, both strong and bad examples, transferable skills, and a list of power words.

    • Students attended a presentation by Alvin Law. Alvin was born without arms, due to a (now banned) prescription medication that his birth mother was given while pregnant. Alvin uses his story to challenge audiences to rewrite the negative stories they tell themselves—about themselves. For more information About Alvin, visit:  (there are three parts),
    • Explore in a Venn diagram 'sense of purpose' using the Ministry Career Education Guide's definition as a prompt (p.2)

      Things you like to do

      Your strengths

      Opportunites in the world.

    • Resources available for download that describe 9 essential skills identified by the government of Canada as needed for the workplace, also at this site are 9 videos that explore essential skills or the essential skills mobile app.

    • Skills for Success outlines 9 skills that employers are looking for and has free online assessment tools.

    • Skills Ready provides tools and resources such as a self-assessment rubric on Attitiude Skills and Knowledge.

    • Start with SMART goals then move into

      based on goals students have set.