Section outline

    • Welcome to Career Education Resources for 10-12. This site contains School District Documents and Educational Resources.

      School District Documents include curriculum, learning maps and guiding documents - stay tuned for the revised CLE-CLC Guidebook.

      Educational Resources are organized into three themes and a Capstone section:

      Career Development - Self Awareness
      Resources support self-awareness, competencies and the educated citizen, employability and essential skills, strategies for maintaining well being, self-marketing, workplace behaviour and safety

      Community Connections - Positive Engagement
      Resources support inclusive practice, world views and diverse perspectives, networking, career-life factors, exploring career-life roles in our communities

      Career and Life Planning - Exploring Possibilities
      Resources support career-life planning for possible preferred next steps, financial planning, and local and global labour market trends

      Capstone - Ministry of Education Guide, reflection resource and samples