Section outline
In Kindergarten to Grade 5, career-life development is largely about the expanding sense of self, positive community engagement, and reflection on learning and goal-setting. Students develop an awareness of their personal interests and strengths, and the roles and responsibilities of family, school, and community in supporting their lifelong learning journey.
C3 (Career Curriculum Companion): Educated Citizens in an Ever-Changing World is a guide to support Career Education in all Curriculum areas through self-awareness, positive community engagement, and exploring possibilities.
The K-7 resource guide provides a thematic framework for K-7 with vetted resources and suggested learning activities organized into K-3, 4-5, and 6-7.
Learning maps are an assessment tool that shows approaching, meeting, and exceeding abilities while providing numerous triangulation of assessment activities. Attached are Learning Maps for K-3 and 4-7, created by SD 73 educators.
Big Life Journal has engaging resources that help students develop growth and resilient mindsets to face life's challenges with confidence. The site is organized by ages: 4-10 and 11+. Items are to be purchased but you can sign up for free weekly samples (see folder for samples) and you can listen to various thematic podcasts with your students.
Newly added "Stay At Home Care Package" -
This is a K-12 Digital Citizenship Curriculum (American) that has numerous free lessons that can be filtered by grades.
K - Media Balance is Important
1 - How Technology Makes You Feel
3 - This is Me
4 - My Media Choices
There is a Guide for both parents and educators
The roots of career development begin early in a child’s life. Through play, young children explore their environment, learn to problem solve, make decisions and adjust to change. From a young age, children envision themselves in possible roles for their future. They talk about and try on their hopes and dreams. During these formative years, young children are influenced by family, school and media – and need to be supported in their career development.
The Critical Thinking Consortium under Generate Creative Ideas has lessons in both French and English: Imagine "What if?", Imagining by drawing analogies, Imagining design possibilities through shape, Imagining through a superhero's powers, Imagining through design components, Imagining through exaggeration, Imagining through the senses.
From Peter H. Reynolds, bestselling author of THE DOT and ISH, comes a story that inspires readers of every age to find their own unique path to be happy, and to always follow their dreams! Also try Say Something, I am Human, The Word Collector and Going Places.
Critical Thinking Consortium has ten lessons on Relating to others in both English and French: Empathic, Finding another perspective, Identifying leadership qualities, Independent mindedness, Inside someone's head, Listening and learning from Elders, Point of view, Rate of individual significance, Selecting actions to strengthen relationships.
Small Talk - CBC is an unscripted show about kids, for kids with host Dave Keystone. Episodes explore wide-ranging topics about growing up, such as 'Being Normal', 'When I am an Adult', and 'Goodness'. Shot in the Canadian countryside. When educators access this resource through the digital database of, there are complimentary Teacher Guides. Episodes range from 2 to 2 1/2 minutes. This resource connects to career development through growth in self-awareness and community.
The Stigma-Free Society is offering tool kits to educators to promote wellness for Grades 4-7. Kits include documentary videos, mental health topics and personal stories, and interactive components for youth. Career Education learning standards are identified in numerous lessons.
The Most Magnificent Thing. Written by Ashley Spires. Illustrated by Ashley Spires. Award-winning author and illustrator Ashley Spires has created a charming picture book about an unnamed girl and her very best friend, who happens to be a dog.
This children's story can be used to explore reflection and resiliency, plus Spires is from BC.
also by Ashley Spires is The Things Lou Couldn't Do, this picture book connects to roles in communities and self-awareness.
What Do You Do with a Chance by Kobi Yamada: An Interactive Read Aloud Book for Kids followed by a 'Butterfly Chances' craft that has been inspired by the reading.
Also try What Do You do with a Problem? and What Do You Do With an Idea? -
Inspired by the story What Matters, students complete small acts that can make a big difference and create stories about their act in a style like the one used in What Matters. (Core Competency Illustration).
Explore what makes a community happy and safe with the 36 wordless cards in the Build-a-Story Cards: Community Helpers deck. Kids aged 3 - 10 will love piecing together stories with firefighters, kid superheroes and more, using the color-coded character, setting and object cards.
This Careers Activity Book is from Texas, US and explores careers thematically through industries, and has numerous activities students can do.
Career Education and the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) support learning that imagines career-life futures. The Career Education and the SDGs pdf PowerPoint has lessons from K-3 'People in our Neighbourhood' and 4-7 'Walk, work and Wonder' that connect curriculum learning with SDGs.
Career Development Elementary Guide, 2017 Newfoundland Labrador
Through a variety of critical thinking challenges, students explore the many ways in which family and community members help meet one another's needs, grades K-3 (Critical Thinking Consortium).
Reading Level: Gr. 6-7 Interest Level: Gr. 5-9+
This innovative series opens readers’ eyes to the endless possibilities of design thinking— an iterative process that employs a human-centered approach to problem solving, and emphasizes empathy, collaboration, and innovative thinking. Each title focuses on open-ended topics related to social change. Case studies, hands-on learning, and question prompts encourage readers to engage meaningfully with key concepts. -
Explore personal awareness through indigenous heroes, from historic to modern day heroes, from athletes to doctors. Readers are encouraged to take the pride and accomplishments of these heroes and apply this to their own world. This is a great book for everyone.
"We are people who matter yes it's true, now let's show the world what people who matter can do."
The eight units in this teacher resource guide illustrate examples of how authentic resources can be incorporated in primary classrooms. Each unit weaves career education alongside various
Check out the ITA Youth has numerous resources from the Maker Club Playbook to Youth skills challenges.
Grow BC is a resource designed for teachers to show K-12 students the diversity of our province’s commodities and the importance of BC’s agriculture industry. It includes topics for straightforward integration into class curriculum. Teachers were directly involved in developing Grow BC to ensure its effective use.
Students work in small groups to make newspaper shoes.
From the Learn 360 Info Base, Each 7-minute adventure finds Howie and Baboo—a curious, imaginative five-year-old boy and his hilarious, non-verbal lillte money sidekick in the mindst of an exciting make-believe scenario linked to the question of the episode. A Star Trek-like adventure would see them pass by the moon and later wonder why the moon has "holes" in it. A team of real-life kid Questioneers appear on the Q-Pad to offer possible (sometimes funny) answers to the questions. Then Howie and Baboo go out into the real world—for example to see an astrophysicist at one of North Amercica's largest telescopes and learn from a grown up Expert who demonstrates an experiment with Howie and Baboo's help. Now You Know cirriculum includes: learning through imaginitive play, simple experiments and demonstations, creative problem solving, exploring new activities and environments, cooperation, teamwork, and much more!