Section outline

    • Big Life Journal has engaging resources that help students develop growth and resilient mindsets to face life's challenges with confidence. The site is organized by ages: 4-10 and 11+. Items are to be purchased but you can sign up for free weekly samples (see folder for samples) and you can listen to various thematic podcasts with your students. 

      Image result for big life journal

    • Students will see fifteen sets of four pictures that show specific work activities to explore careers that best fit their personality (based on Personality types and the Holland Codes) 

    • CFEE Resources — Money & Monetary Policy in CanadaThe Canadian Foundation for Economic Education (CFEE) is a non-profit, non-partisan organization. It offers a wide range of programs for students and educators with a focus on focus – Career Development Capability, Financial Capability, Economic Capability, and Enterprise Capability.

    • The Circle of Courage model provides educators with an evidence-based approach for teaching youth. This site also integrates research on positive youth development with Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs. Explore students' strengths (interests, values, and skills) and ask them to see where these strengths fit in the Circle of Courage. Extend on this by having students identify what strengths they would like to improve.

    • Common Sense Education has numerous Digital Citizenship lessons - free -  that can be filtered by grade (k-12). This is an Amerian resource.Image result for common sense education


      6 - Finding Balance in a Digital World 

      7 - The Power of Digital Footprints

      8 - Digital Media and Your Brain 

      9 - My digital Life Is Like...

    • The Core Competencies are sets of intellectual, personal, and social and emotional proficiencies, they are organized into three categories: communication, thinking, and personal and social. See Core Competency Self-assessment Templates for reflection tools to use in the classroom.

    • Employability skills are the skills you need to enter, stay in, and progress in the world of work. This profile can be used as a framework for dialogue and action. Employability Skills (The Conference Board of Canada).

    • The Critical Thinking Consortium under Generate Creative Ideas has lessons in both French and English: Imagine "What if?", Imagining by drawing analogies, Imagining design possibilities through shape, Imagining through a superhero's powers, Imagining through design components, Imagining through exaggeration, Imagining through the senses.

    • Carol Dweck compares fixed and growth mindsets. This model shows that intelligence can be developed. As a result, higher levels of achievement can be obtained. This is an overarching skill that supports career development. There is a Mindset Assessment (mindsetworks) but names and e-mails are required for results.

      Angela Lee Duckworth Grit: The power of passion and perseverance (6 minute Ted Talk)

    • Career Headlines from Career Solutions Publishing has several free sample lessons.

      For example: Becoming a Skilled Collaborator asks students to take a good, strong look at themselves to identify what they do best in a team situation, and what they do less well so they can improve.

    • Employability Skills

      Learning Employability Skills through Challenges, grade 6-9, is a hands on interactive activity. Students are asked to learn and reflect on their employability skills through two challenges: the tower challenge and build a bridge challenge. From NWC

    • This personality test looks to see if you are an artist, thinker, adventurer, maker, producer, dreamer, innovator or visionary. It takes less than ten minutes, with very artistic and entertaining animation that connects to answers, it is free and you do not have to sign up.

    • My Dependable Strengths is an assessment tool that provides a visual of students' strengths. Start by asking students totalk about something they accomplished in their life that they were proud of or enjoyed doing. Herky Cutler Engaging Client Assessment Tools That Rock (2017)

    • "Engaging with a song that moves your client emotionally can reveal surprising insights about their interests, values and passions"

      Herky Cutler,Career Practionioner

    • Critical Thinking Consortium has ten lessons on Relating to others in both English and French: Empathic, Finding another perspective, Identifying leadership qualities, Independent mindedness, Inside someone's head, Listening and learning from Elders, Point of view, Rate of individual significance, Selecting actions to strengthen relationships.

    • SkillsSkills to Pay the Bills, grades 6-9,explores soft skills and interpersonal skills that students need to succeed. They include communicating clearly and appropriately, remembering work directions, working well with others, and knowing how to solve problems. This resource has numerous ready-made-lessons that focus on the following skills:

      • Communication Skills 
      • Enthusiasm and Attitude 
      • Teamwork
      • Networking
      • Problem Solving and Critical Thinking
      • Professionalism

    • Start with SMART goals then move into 

       based on goals students have set.

    • The Stigma-Free Society is offering tool kits to educators to promote wellness for Grades 4-7 and 8-12. Kits include documentary videos, mental health topics and personal stories, and interactive components for youth. Career Education learning standards are identified in numerous lessons.

    • Student Work SampleInspired by the book, You Hold Me Up, students take photos of each other and then superimpose words that represent the many positive traits each student brings with them into the classroom community. (Core Competency Illustration)